Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Minecraft Gift Codes generator Tool 2014 [Updated 13-8-2014]

At last, the free code gen tool. But it is still a beta version, it may not work in all cases, but is in constant development and I will update it.

Anyway, Minecraft codes is amazing giveaway tool which you can use to get free minecraft premium account.

Get your free Minecraft codes and vouchers on line with Free Minecraft, build your credits and share with your friends. Download form here:!D9wB3a6I!uxmsCDb2LRe8uZM2O31O5BGPXXaRQThcfB9DaLS5FS0


- False Positive -

If you’re running anti-virus and firewall software, like Avast or any other, it may be configured to prevent software applications from talking to each other. The anti-virus software mistakes the internal talking for potentially evil Internet traffic. This can cause problems when you’re installing or running this hack.

You may need to reconfigure your anti-virus and firewall software to allow this Hacking tool to run.

If you experience a "false positive" detection, please temporarily disable your anti-virus software to run it.


Remember backup your aincraft world:

The directory on your computer for Minecraft saved worlds and settings differs depending on what OS you’re running.

On Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft

Take note that the AppData directory is hidden, so be sure to show hidden files from within Folder Options.

On Mac OS: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/minecraft

On Linux: /home/username/.minecraft

The “saves” folder is what you want to back up.


Download game for PC/Mac:

Xbox 360 Edition on the XBLA Marketplace:

Playstation 3 Edition on the Playstation Network:!/es-es/games/minecraft-playstation3-edition/cid=EP4433-NPEB01899_00-TRIALUPGRADE0001

Pocket Edition is available for iOS:
and Android: